Published since 1923
DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science

  • Account of Features of Cellular Structure when Analyzing the Calculated Thermal Conductivity of Gas-Filled Polymer Materials
  • UDC 691.175.5/.8
    Vladimir V. GURYEV, e-mail:
    Federal Centre for Standardization, Standardization and Technical Conformity Assessment in Construction, Orlikov per., 3, str. 1, Moscow 107139, Russian Federation
    Vadim I. NIKITIN, e-mail:
    Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education, ul. Sidorska, 95/97, Biala Podlaska 21-500, Poland
    Valerie A. KOFANOV, e-mail:
    Brest State Technical University, ul. Moskovskaya, 267, Brest 224017, Republic of Belarus
    Abstract. Based on the analysis of the structure of different types of gas-filled polymers (foams) during operation, it is shown that as a result of hydrothermal degradation, defects arise, leading to its change with the formation of predominantly communicating cells, which makes it possible to attribute them to structures with interpenetrating geometrically equal components. When modeling such a structure, an adequate model with an ordered structure consisting of identical elementary cells was used. The penetration of the heat flux through the unit cell is described using one of the possible methods of the theory of generalized conductivity and, as an example, a dependence is established to determine the effective thermal conductivity of the material. A number of dependencies are considered for determining the effective thermal conductivity of cellular structures with interpenetrating components and with isolated inclusions. An experimental check of these dependencies shows that the experimental data are most accurately reproduced by dependences for structures with interpenetrating components (open cellular structure). The best of them are recommended for determining the thermal conductivity both of dry and wet foams.
    Key words: gas-filled polymer materials, cellular structure, calculated thermal conductivity, interpenetrating components, elementary cell.
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  • For citation: Guryev V. V., Nikitin V. I., Kofanov V. A. Account of Features of Cellular Structure when Analyzing the Calculated Thermal Conductivity of Gas-Filled Polymer Materials. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo [Industrial and Civil Engineering], 2018, no. 9, pp. 98-104.